31st of May - Monde Sitole
Latitude is 9 35 degrees North, Longitude is 53 40.05 degrees West
Speed: 9nm Wind: 4NE
the nearest port is Guyana
Point of sail: broad reach
the weather is great, sea is fair and the wind is working in our advantage
Wow what can I say, 31st of May, I already take a pause and reminisce about when all this started. I will say it once more, time really flies when you are having fun. I guess by now you understand that this day is not like the rest, the schedule is not the same, there is no day watch because its bosun's day, nonetheless classes and cleaning stations are left uninterrupted. But the reason why this day is different is not the schedule, the whole day in essence is weird. We, some of the South African team, bonded in an indescribable way, today we involuntarily always end up together just laughing and talking about how lucky we are. Today, I also got a lot of me introspective time where i laid on the bowsprit listening to soul music from Marx' i pod. I got to think about my life and my role in the universe. My highlights for the last past weeks are going aloft while it was thundering and heavily raining, and of course the equator crossing - getting my hair shaved was not so nice, but i don't regret it though because how many people can say they got their hair shaved in the middle of the globe. It is very seldom. By now I am cherishing every moment.
It's only 2 weeks and 1 day left for our departure. A lot of us are happy but at the same time sad to leave behind the relationships we've built and our new life and habits. But another special thing that make anticipate home are the letters Hilary and Dayana gave us from our parents - they came at a co incidentally right time.
It's only 23 days before my birthday – Hooray! -S and one day after mine is my big sister Chrissy's who's been like a mother to the team. By this time, all of us can be called sailors!
Latitude is 9 35 degrees North, Longitude is 53 40.05 degrees West
Speed: 9nm Wind: 4NE
the nearest port is Guyana
Point of sail: broad reach
the weather is great, sea is fair and the wind is working in our advantage
Wow what can I say, 31st of May, I already take a pause and reminisce about when all this started. I will say it once more, time really flies when you are having fun. I guess by now you understand that this day is not like the rest, the schedule is not the same, there is no day watch because its bosun's day, nonetheless classes and cleaning stations are left uninterrupted. But the reason why this day is different is not the schedule, the whole day in essence is weird. We, some of the South African team, bonded in an indescribable way, today we involuntarily always end up together just laughing and talking about how lucky we are. Today, I also got a lot of me introspective time where i laid on the bowsprit listening to soul music from Marx' i pod. I got to think about my life and my role in the universe. My highlights for the last past weeks are going aloft while it was thundering and heavily raining, and of course the equator crossing - getting my hair shaved was not so nice, but i don't regret it though because how many people can say they got their hair shaved in the middle of the globe. It is very seldom. By now I am cherishing every moment.
It's only 2 weeks and 1 day left for our departure. A lot of us are happy but at the same time sad to leave behind the relationships we've built and our new life and habits. But another special thing that make anticipate home are the letters Hilary and Dayana gave us from our parents - they came at a co incidentally right time.
It's only 23 days before my birthday – Hooray! -S and one day after mine is my big sister Chrissy's who's been like a mother to the team. By this time, all of us can be called sailors!