Saturday, May 2, 2009

TEAM SA LOGBOOK - 2nd May - St Helena to Ascension

2nd May 2009 - Gustav Allmann
3rd Sail leg from St Helena to Ascension

Our course for today is 326 COG. Our wind is a 3 from ESE. Sea is nice calm 2, visibility is a good 8.(very clear) and our temperature is 35 C. It is extremely hot and only gets hotter everyday.

Today was the start of a new "ship week", day1. The boys started earlier with fitness but were then joined by the girls for breakfast. After breakfast, as usual, we had colors at eight. Shane did his first announcements over the intercom and after that everybody started their daily routine.
The sails were all set after cleaning stations because after all, we are on a tall ship and are all here because we want to sail not motor. This was quite frustrating because if we don't motor we hardly move. A cool thing about setting the sails today was that we had to call the maneuvers.

Bryan was the only South African that volunteered. He did a pretty good job for somebody that has only been on the ship for little less than three weeks.
At the moment the main thing that everybody does during day watch is caulking. Caulking is the black glue in between the boards on deck. So what everybody does is scrape out the old caulking where it is necessary and then Axel comes and replaces it with new caulking.
Something was spotted for the first in a long time on navigation watch today. A smaller sailing vessel which passed us after we left St. Helena. We caught up to them because we motored and they didn't.

We also had another meeting today. It was about our media management. We discussed where we could improve, solutions and things to make it enjoyable for everybody. Hilary also mentioned something about a prize for the best photo and logbook entry...
There was also a movie being showed in the mess after dinner for those that were interested. It was called "Pay it forward".I'm sure i speak on behalf of everybody when I say we are all very excited to visit our surprise port Ascension tomorrow...

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