Thursday, May 21, 2009

TEAM SA LOGBOOK - Wrap up - 14th to 21st May - Port Natal, Brazil

Port Natal, Brazil – 14 to 21 May 2009 - Bryan Castle

We finally arrived in Natal on the 14th of May, and were greeted by white sandy beaches and beautiful warm water... and a bunch of big industrial buildings and one rather large bridge. We were met by a pilot who guided us up the river to the port where we would be docking and finally get back on land. Docking stations, port authorities and clearances were the only things preventing us going ashore. However we did eventually clear those obstacles and were let ashore!

Now, the next thing to accomplish was to find a way to Ponta Negra, which involved either getting a bus or a taxi. Some of us were fortunate to be seen by a tour guide person, called Addy, who showed us the right bus to take and where we could exchange money and even went as far as escorting us to Ponta Negra itself. The beach looked awesome and the water was incredible!! There were plenty of shops, especially a lot of touristy shops, where nearly everyone spent too much money! Our curfew was at 11 pm which was great because it allowed us more time to have fun (going to clubs, drinking and partying!!!) before we had to sober up and get back to the ship.

The 15th was very exciting for us all; it was the day we would meet our home stay families and go live somewhere normal for 2 nights! But before that 20 students signed up to go to 2 different schools to do an English class. It didn't involve any teaching, the class Shane and I were in just asked questions, as in the other classes. We all had bunches of fun and answered some interesting questions (like what we do in our happy hour, which is what they called our free time).
There was a reception at 5.45pm where we were to meet our host families. Shane, Jonas and I were put in the same family with 2 boys, Fellipo and Enrico. We were allowed to leave whenever we wanted so the 6 of us left to go to their house, which was INCREDIBLE! And after settling in we went out to meet the others at Pittburger, a burger restaurant, where we all bought something...the milkshakes tasted great!

DUNE BUGGYING on the 16th! Everyone agrees that it was easily one of the best days we have had! Our home stay families dropped us off at the buggying agency and from there we split ourselves into groups of 4 and got into our buggies and were underway in no time! I was in a buggy with Monde, Asekho and Patrick; and the 3 of us just messed around the whole time, thoroughly enjoying the day! Our driver was great, he did a lot of drifting around the dunes (which led to a lot of screaming coming from Monde!).
We made few stops during the day: at a lagoon for a few pics, at another pit stop just by a beach with souvenirs shops (interesting clothing) and the chance to watch Marx fall off a sand board, as well as at a restaurant that actually had its tables in the water, with all the fish and swimming people and everything. After a brief swim and lunch we were taken to an area where we could slide down a hill on belly boards into water, which nearly everyone did... a bit expensive, but worth it!!

Our next stop (don't worry we are nearly at the end) gave us the chance to go on a zip wire in a chair like contraption into a dam, and after Mr Allman showing us the way, we all had great fun going down!

Finally, after a long but phenomenal day, everyone had the chance to relax on the beach until it was time to go home... obviously not without a street race! Involving bumper to bumper action and some side scraping and hi 5ing between cars, and a lot of speed... it was... INTENSE! And we all loved it!

Then the 17th... the last day of our home stay... sad times. No more great food or big beds or huge TV's, but I was excited to get back to the rest of the floaties and share stories. So, after having spent some time in the mall, everyone returned to the ship, and we were then allowed shore leave, which we all utilized by going to the beautiful Brazilian beaches!

Ah, the 18th, the day we found out that we would be staying in Natal for 2 extra days, which was great news especially for Felix and myself who were smiling from ear to ear. The only problem was figuring out how to spend the few remaining Raels in the best way possible (which in my opinion was on food!). And with that good news bestowed upon us by Mr. Allman, we had even more shore leave while we waited for our EPIRB to arrive, which was the reason we weren't leaving.

A snap back into reality came the next day, because we had to have school, while still at port!!! Nothing more agonizing than sitting in a hot room staring at land, longing for the beach...but we made it through just fine! And were allowed to go on land from 6 till 9pm.

The 20th, the day of expected departure, was when our first mate Kent decided to resign, which meant we were stuck longer at Natal, which doesnt sound too bad, but everyone had run out of money and we were anxious to go so that we could still have time to get shore leave at Tobago. Fortunately though, Hilary gave us each 15 raels more for groceries! I was so happy!

Finally, departure day! Or new 1st mate, Ben had arrived early in the morning, so we were set to leave at 10am...WHICH WE DID!!! All farewells said to Brazil, we were soon underway to our next destination unknown, with who knows what adventures awaiting us...

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