Sunday, May 10, 2009

TEAM SA LOGBOOK - 10th May - Ascension to Fernando Island

10th of May 2009 -Marx Mohr
4th sail leg from Ascension to Fernando Island and Natal, Brazil
Time: 20:15 pm
Current position: Lat: 4 ̊ 12'S, Long: 3 ̊ 23'W
Weather: some clouds but very very hot 34 C
Speed: 7,3km
Miles traveled (in last 24h): 148nm
Closest coast: Fernando

Today is academic day 3, we started the day like normal with breakfast and colors at 8am. Shane called everyone to attention over the intercom and one of the German students read the announcements. We were all very exited to hear how far we have traveled in the last 24 hours because we knew we are close to Fernando. It's not that we have been at sea for a long time that is making everyone exited to get to port, it is that no one has food and supplies left on board. We were all bargaining to do some shopping in Ascension but there was no time.

Today was like all the other days except that there is no wind what so ever so we had to motor. This might sound nice but that means there is no shade on deck, there is no sailing maneuvers and the boat is not heeled over to one side... this might sound nice but our shower only drains if we are heeled to starboard side which we are not, so no showering with out flooding your bath room, personally everybody needs an shower, especially me.

The most excitement of the day is there is a new list up in the mess, after everyone has finished eating there is always a big mess, so now there is a list up with everyone's name, as soon as you make a mess your name is crossed of the list. The last person remaining will get a price. I am going to try and get it.

We are almost half way on going back home. It is going to be sad to leave but at the same time I am excited to go tell all my friends and family about my last 2 and a half months.

The sea is as blue as the sky and it is so hot that you just want to be down below were it is cooler (aircon).
We will arrive in port in 1 to 2 days where we will phone home. Talk to everyone soon!

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