Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TEAM SA LOGBOOK - 12th May - Fernando Island to Natal,Brazil

Tuesday 12th May 2009 - Bryan Castle

CMG:234 Latitude:4.06'
Wind:3 NebE Longitude:37.49'
WX:1 Temp:32'C
closest coast: Brazil

Once upon a time, near a land far far away lived 35 young students who were on an intrepid voyage of discovery... however due to the fact that these pioneers were not allowed stepping foot upon the island of Fernando, they had to unfurl all the sails in order to get underway to Natal. However, we were first given the opportunity to delve into the warm refreshing water for what we call a Swim Call, which was exhilarating indeed!!

Kent (1st mate) explained what was to be, but not to be a complicated process, of sailing away from our anchorage point. Unfortunately, due to the wind changing its course, which was we considered very rude, we almost ran aground, which would have undoubtedly been an..interesting maneuver to say the least...
Due to the severe lack of wind, once the sails were set and the anchor was away, the vessel moved at a lightning fast speed, in which the travelers traveled about 100 m every hour...at this speed we were set to be at Natal in no time!

With the wind at our stern and our sails full of wind, in 4 hours, we were still bobbing expectantly next to the island...so the Captain decided it would be best if we turned on our motor, and do some real sailing. This meant that our noble heroes were once again set the task of dousing and furling all the sails.

Interesting the class today was. Speaking about appreciation we were, and what there was to be appreciated within the others. Coming out were interesting comments, such as the sleeping in class that Felix was doing, which an odd appreciation is.

A good day we had, with highlights being plentiful. One and all had an adventurous, fun, but energy sapping and hot day.

PS: By the way, you should listen to:
Sam Roberts
bon iver
Fleet foxes
TV on the Radio The Acorn......according to Claire and Patrick (from Canadian team)

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